Apb Reloaded Dev Bilgi Arşivi...

APB:Reloaded Dev Bilgi Arşivi
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Görev Almak:

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Yukarıda gördüğünüz gibi Ready olunca yani sol üstteki ekranınız yeşil olunca görev arıyorsunuz demektir.Ready olmak için oyunda "k" ye basmak gerekir.Görevinizi sistem otomatik olarak verir.

Görevler ve Anlamları:

Şuan aklımdakileri yazıyorum eksikliklerimi söyleyiniz.

Pick Up-Drop Off : Öncelikle ilk stage(ler)de pick up denilen itemi alıyorsunuz.Almak için itemin yanına gidip f ye basmak gerekir.Pick up unuz çanta ise çantayı tutarken silah kullanamazsınız acil bir durum olup silah gerekirse sol tıklayıp çantayı elinizden atabilirsiniz.Sonra yeniden f ye basıp alabilirsiniz.Pick up(ları)ı topladıktan sonra Drop Off yerlerine gidip itemimizi bırakacağız.itemi bırakmak için sol tıklamayın.Turuncu daireye girin ve bekleyin göreviniz tamamlanır.

Spray:Criminalken spray görevi bir yerde grafitti yapma görevidir.Spray denilen bölgeye gidilip f ye basılarak bir süre sonrasında grafittinizi tamamlamak.

Protect:Karşı tarafın görevini engellemek.(Örnek:Enforcersiniz Criminaller Spray için bir bölgeye gidecek siz ise spray yapılacak bölgeyi koruyup Spray yapmalarına izin vermeyeceksiniz.)

Go to:Oraya gitmeniz gerekmektedir.

Raid:İmha etmeniz gerek.Bir sürü şekli var.ATM hacklemek,Tahta yakmak.Kapı kırmak vb.Bu işlevleri yapabilmek için gerekli yerin yanına gidip F ye basmanız gerekmektedir.

Rakipleri Kırmızı ile gösterir ise:Rakiplerinizi öldürmeniz gerekir.Sonra her iki tarafında vurulma ve vurma istatistikleri çıkarılır ve daha iyi istatistike sahip taraf kazanır.

Silah/Giysi/Araç vb. satın alma:
Bunun için doğduğunuz NPC lere gidip F ye basmak gerekir.NPC ler Ty Durant,Mirri Kent gibi kişiler.Discrite girdiğinizde seçtiğiniz yerlerde NPC ler vardır.Gidip F ye basın Buy sekmesine gidip istediğiniz şeyi satın alabilirsiniz.Giysilerinizi vb. satmak içinde yan tarafındaki sekmeyi (Sell) sekmesine tıklayın.Ve istediğiniz eşyayı satın.


Giysi Giymek:
Bunun için öncelikle Social Discrite gidip mor dolaba yani Wardrobe ye gitmeniz gerek.Wardrobeye gidince F ye basıp istediğiniz giysiyi giyebilirsiniz.

(Writer)apbtr.com için hazırlanmıştır.

Dövme yapmak:
Social discrite girip mavi dolaplara gidip f ye basmak gerekmektedir.

Dövmeyi karektere,arabaya yüklemek:

Karekter için Customize Your Character Araba için Customize Your Vehicle yazan dolaba gidip f ye basıp yerleştirebilirsiniz.

Karektere Modifikasyon yüklemek:

Öncelikle NPC ye gidip Buy sekmesinden Modifications sekmesinden karekter modifikasyonları almanız gerekmekte.Aldıktan NPC ye gidip I ya basın.Character'inizi görürsünüz.Sağda Mods vardır.orada boş slot varsa tıklayın Change diyin Modifikasyonu Seçip OK diyin yüklenir.

Silah kullanırken daha yakından görme:

FPS oynayan herkes bilir.Sağ tıklayına yakından görürsünüz fakat sağ tıka basılı tutmak zorundasınız.

Silaha mermi alma:

[Resim: 5ab1492c.png]

Bu kutulara gidip F ye basıp bir miktar oyun içi parası ödeyip mermi alabilirsiniz.

Threat Level Sistemi

Threat Level sadece görünüştür. Threat Level'in amacı, bi nevi kişinin nasıl bir oyuncu olduğunu anlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Örneğin: KnightOnline oyununda sağlam itemleri olan bir oyuncuyu gördüğümüz zaman nasıl korkuyorsak, buradada Threat Level'ini gördüğümüz kişiden korkuyoruz, dolayısıyla yüksek Threat Levelli oyuncular, ya hiledir, ya profesyonellerle oynuyordur, yada profesyoneldir :)Rating Level görevleri KAZANDIKÇA artar, KAYBETTİKÇE DÜŞER.

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Rating Level Sistemi

Rating Level oyundaki esas leveliniz yani seviyenizdir. Oyun içerisinde silah & araba gibi şeyleri satın alırken, Rating level'iniz yetiyorsa alabilirsiniz. Rating Level görev yaptıkça artar.Rating Levelde düşme yoktur.

Oyundan Özel Mesaj Gönderme:

Oyundan Chat kısmına /whisper NickAdı mesaj şeklinde özel mesaj gönderebilirsiniz.

Örnek: /whisper Writer apbtr.com

Gruba Girmek/Çıkmak,Gruptan Mesajlaşmak:

Private gruplara giremezsiniz.Public olan yani herkesin girebileceği gruplara girebilirsiniz.U ya basıp gelen ekrandan bir grup seçip Join Group demeniz yeterli.
Gruptan çıkmak için U ya basıp sağdan Leave veya Chat kısmına /leavegroup yazmanız yeterli olacaktır.
Grup içi mesajlaşma için:Chat kısmına /g yazıp boşluk bırakarak mesajınızı yazmak.
Örnek: /g K ye basın lütfen.

Haritadan kolay yer bulma:

Bazı arkadaşlar Social Discritte dolapları bulamadıklarını söylüyorlardı.Çözümü için oyunda M ye basın.Gelen ekranda az belleyin sağda ikonlar çıkar.Wardrobe,Garage vb. gitmek istediğiniz yerin adına tıklayın nerede olduğunu öğrenebilirsiniz.

Siren çalma:

Çok bilindiktir.Enforcerler için geçerlidir.Player Vehiclede sağ tıklayınca siren çalar.

Music Player'e şarkı yüklemek:

P ye basıp music playeri açıyoruz.Solda I ile başlayan bir kelime vardı ona tıklıyoruz.Şarkılarımızı seçip.Ok diyoruz.Yüklenmiştir :)

Nasıl Üye Olacağım ?

Üye olmanıza gerek yok.Gamersfirste kayıtlı e-mail ve şifreniz ile oyuna giriş yapabilirsiniz.

Mermiyi mavi yapmak:

Mermiyi mavi yapınca ne silahınızın damagesi artıyor nede siz güçleniyorsunuz.Mavi mermi sadece görünüş.Threat Level gibi.mavi yapmak için slotlu bir silaha ihtiyaçınız var.Boş slotlu veya modifikasyonlu silahlardan mavi renginde mermi çıkar.

Sorularınızı yorum olarak söyleyin hemen düzenleyip cevabı yazacağım.Aklınızda soru varsa lütfen buradan sorun hem arşiv büyüsün herkes yararlansın hemde siz yararlanın

gamersfirst forumlarından alıntı yapılmıştır, düzenlemeleri kendim yaptim.Çevirdikçe türkçelerini yazıcam.
Oyun da ingilizce olduğundan anlıyacağınıza eminim.

I. Waterfront Map (Harita)
II. Financial Map (Harita)
IV. Keybinds (Kontrol H.)
V. Progression (Npc H.)
VI. Upgrade Info (Modifikasyonlar)
VII. Patch Notes (Paket Notları)
VIII. G1 Credits (Kredi)
IX. System Requirements (&tricks) (Sistem gereksinimleri&yükseltmek için birkaç numara)
X. Credits (Kaynaklar)


uyariResmi Orjinal Boyutunda Görüntüleyebilmek İçin Buraya Tıklayınız.
[Resim: apb_waterfront-map.jpg]

uyariResmi Orjinal Boyutunda Görüntüleyebilmek İçin Buraya Tıklayınız.
[Resim: apb_financial-map.jpg]


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uyariResmi Orjinal Boyutunda Görüntüleyebilmek İçin Buraya Tıklayınız.
[Resim: contact%20trees.png]

Prentiss Tigers / G-Kings

Bölüm 1

Tier 0

2: Stabba - CCG (Enforcer Only)
2: Colby PMG 28
4: JG-840
5: Obeya FBW
5: Stabba - PIG (Enforcer Only)
6: N-HVR 762
8: Obeya CR762
9: SHAW 556
10: N-TEC 5

Tier 1

2: Colby PMG 28: "TROJAN X-I" (Extended Magazine 1)
3: Field Supplier
3: Character Upgrade Slot
3: Clotting Agent I
3: Happy Landings 1
4: JG-841 "Firecracker" (3-Point Sling 1)
5: N-FA 9
6: N-HVR 762a "Akula" (3-Point Sling 1)
8: Obeya CR762.1 "Artic Blaze" (Improved Rifling 1)
9: SHAW 556 I "Badger" (Heavy Barrel 1)
10: N-TEC 5a "Kasatka" (Bandolier 1)

Tier 2

2: Colby PMG 28: "TROJAN X-II" (Extended Magazine 2, Improved Rifling 1)
3: Clotting Agent II
3: Happy Landings 2
4: JG-842 "Firecracker EX" (3-Point Sling 2, Magazine Pull 1)
5: Colby RSA
6: N-HVR 762b "Akula V2" (3-Point Sling 2, Improved Rifling 1)
8: Obeya CR762.2 "Artic Blaze MK-II" (Improved Rifling 2, Magazine Pull 1)
9: SHAW 556 II "Wolf" (Heavy Barrel 2, 3-Point Sling 1)
10: N-TEC 5b "Kasatka V2" (Bandolier 2, Improved Rifling 1)

Tier 3

2: Colby PMG 28: "TROJAN X-III" (Extended Magazine 3, Improved Rifling 2, Reflex Sight 1)
3: Clotting Agent III
3: Happy Landings 3
4: JG-842 "Firecracker EX-2" (3-Point Sling 3, Magazine Pull 2, Cooling Jacket 1)
6: N-HVR 762c "Akula V3" (3-Point Sling 3, Improved Rifling 2, Magazine Pull 1)
8: Obeya CR762.3 "Artic Blaze MK-III" (Improved Rifling 3, Magazine Pull 2, 3-Point Sling 1)
9: SHAW 556 III "Lion" (Heavy Barrel 3, 3-Point Sling 2, Reflex Sight 1)
10: N-TEC 5c "Kasatka V3" (Bandolier 3, Improved Rifling 2, Reflex Sight 1)

Bölüm 2

Tier 0

2: Balkan Varzuga
4: Balkan Ravan
6: Dolton Broadwing
8: Packer Ceresco
10: Patriot T-25

Tier 1

6: Sungnyemun Moirai
10: Nulander Kurai

Mirri Kent
3: Veo "Colt" (Fireproofing 1)
8: Broadwing "Patrol" (Fireproofing 1)

3: Ravan "Funbox" (Mobile Supply Unit)
9: Varzuga "Nitro" (Armoured Engine 1)

Tier 2

2: Mobile Supply Unit
3: Varzuga (1 slot)
4: Explosives 1
5: Ravan (1 slot)
6: Armoured Engine 1
7: Broadwing (1 slot)
7: Moirai (1 slot)
8: Ceresco (1 slot)
8: Kurai (1 slot)
9: T-25 (1 slot)
10: Chassis Strengthening 1
10: Nitro Booster 1

Akiko X
4: Moirai "Trooper" (Fireproofing 2, Chassis Strengthening 1)
4: Nulander Pioneer
5: Montane "Wide Receiver" (Armoured Engine 2, Explosives 1)
6: Ceresco "Quarterback" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)
7: Cisco "Saber" (Armoured Engine 2, Explosives 1)
8: T-25 "Lawgiver" (Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Ramming Plate 1)
10: Patriot V20 Jericho

2: Ceresco "Monster" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)
3: Broadwing "Gecko" (Fireproofing 2, Chassis Strengthening 1)
4: Moirai "Bandera" (Fireproofing 2, Chassis Strengthening 1)
4: Seiyo Espacio
5: T-25 "Rampage" (Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Ramming Plate 1)
6: Fresno "Red Dragon" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)
9: Vegas "Belladonna" (Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Ramming Plate 1)
10: Bishada Rapier

Tier 3

3: Varzuga (2 slot)
4: Explosives 2
5: Ravan (2 slot)
6: Armoured Engine 2
7: Broadwing (2 slot)
7: Moirai (2 slot)
8: Ceresco (2 slot)
8: Kurai (2 slot)
9: T-25 (2 slot)
10: Chassis Strengthening 2
10: Nitro Booster 2

Byeong Lee
2: Vaquero "Prowler" (Chassis Strengthening 3, Armoured Engine 2, Steel Plating 2)
3: Sentinel "Bronco" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Broadwing "City Chief" (Fireproofing 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Pioneer (1 slot)
6: Pioneer "Big Cat" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
7: Fresno "Halcyon" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
8: Vegas "T Force" (Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Ramming Plate 2, Armoured Engine 2)
9: Jericho "Seahawk" (Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Chassis Strengthening 2)
10: Jericho (1 slot)

Grayson Fell
2: Moirai "Varial" (Fireproofing 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Steel Plating 2)
3: Kurai "Grinder" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Sentinel "Helipop" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Espacio (1 slot)
5: Montane "Demon King" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 2, Fireproofing 2)
6: Cisco "Stinger" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 2, Fireproofing 2)
7: Cisco "Freestyle" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 2, Fireproofing 2)
8: Espacio "Gila" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
9: Bishada Rapier "Funked" (Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Chassis Strengthening 2)
10: Rapier (1 slot)


Tier 4

2: Moirai (3 slot)
3: Colby PMG 28: "TROJAN X-IV" (Extended Magazine 3, Improved Rifling 3, Reflex Sight 2)
3: Varzuga (3 slot)
5: Explosives 3
5: Ravan (3 slot)
8: Armoured Engine 3
8: JG-844 "Firecracker EX-III" (3-Point Sling 3, Magazine Pull 3, Cooling Jacket 2)
8: Broadwing (3 slot)
9: Kurai (3 slot)
10: Chassis Strengthening 3
10: Obeya CR762.4 "Artic Blaze Mk-IV" (Improved Rifling 3, Magazine Pull 3, 3-Point Sling 2)
10: Ceresco (3 slot)
12: N-HVR 762d "Akula V4" (3-Point Sling 3, Improved Rifling 3, Magazine Pull 2)
12: T-25 (3 slot)
13: SHAW 556 IV "Bear" (Heavy Barrel 3, 3-Point Sling 3, Reflex Sight 2)
15: Nitro Booster 3
15: N-TEC 5d "Kasatka V4" (Bandolier 3, Improved Rifling 3, Reflex Sight 2)

Orlenz' Moretti
4: Moirai "Monarch" (Fireproofing 3, Chassis Strengthening 3, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
6: Pioneer (2 slot)
7: Cisco "Panther" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 3, Fireproofing 2, Steel Plating 2)
9: Kurai "All Star" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Nitro Booster 2)
11: Jericho "Partisan" (Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Mobile Supply Unit)
15: Jericho (2 slot)

Arlon Benjamin
4: Fresno "Hot Lizard" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Nitro Booster 2)
6: Espacio (2 slot)
7: Vegas "Red King" (Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Ramming Plate 3, Armoured Engine 2, Extra Cargo Capacity 2)
9: Mikro "Revolt" (Chassis Strengthening 3, Armoured Engine 3, Steel Plating 2, Mobile Supply Unit)
11: Rapier "Hazard TT" (Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Mobile Supply Unit)
15: Rapier (2 slot)

Praetorians / Blood Roses

Bölüm 1

Tier 0

2: OCA-EW 626
4: NFAS-12
5: Joker RFP-9
5: Stabba - TG8 (Enforcer Only)
6: Agrotech DMR-SD
9: ALIG 762
10: Joker SR15 Carbine

Tier 1

2: OCA-EW 626.1 "Sidewinder" (Magazine Pull 1)
3: Field Supplier
3: Character Upgrade Slot
3: Kevlar Implants 1
4: NFAS-12a "Red Star" (Magazine Pull 1)
6: DMR-SD I "Assassin 5Zero R1" (3-Point Sling 1)
7: STAR 556 I "Army Ant" (Extended Magazine 1)
8: OBIR.1 "Desert Storm" (Extended Magazine 1)
9: ALIG 762 "Commando 76Two R1" (Heavy Barrel 1)
10: Joker SR15 Carbine (Reflex Sight 1)

Tier 2

2: OCA-EW 626.2 "Silverado" (Magazine Pull 2, Cooling Jacket 1)
3: Kevlar Implants 2
4: NFAS-12b "Red Star V2" (Magazine Pull 2, 3-Point Sling 1)
5: ACT 44
6: DMR-SD II "Assassin 5Zero R2" (3-Point Sling 2, Improved Rifling 1)
7: STAR 556 II "Mantis" (Extended Magazine 2, Hunting Sight 1)
8: OBIR.2 "Desert Storm MK-II" (Extended Magazine 2, Improved Rifling 1)
9: ALIG 762 "Commando 76Two R2" (Heavy Barrel 2, 3-Point Sling 1)
10: Joker SR15 Carbine (Reflex Sight 2, 3-Point Sling 1)

Tier 3

2: OCA-EW 626.3 "Red Dawn" (Magazine Pull 3, Cooling Jacket 2, Reflex Sight 1)
3: Kevlar Implants 3
4: NFAS-12c "Red Star V3" (Magazine Pull 3, 3-Point Sling 2, Cooling Jacket 1)
6: DMR-SD III "Assassin 5Zero R3" (3-Point Sling 3, Improved Rifling 2, Extended Magazine 1)
7: STAR 556 III "Spider" (Extended Magazine 3, Hunting Sight 2, 3-Point Sling 1)
8: OBIR.3 "Desert Storm MK-III" (Extended Magazine 3, Improved Rifling 2, Hunting Sight 1)
9: ALIG 762 "Commando 76Two R3" (Heavy Barrel 3, 3-Point Sling 2, Reflex Sight 1)
10: Joker SR15 Carbine (Reflex Sight 3, 3-Point Sling 2, Magazine Pull 1)

Bölüm 2

Tier 0

6: Han Veo
8: Charge Sentinel
10: Dolton Montane

Tier 1

6: Dolton Fresno
10: Charge Cisco

3: Ravan "Spartan" (Mobile Supply Unit)
9: Fresno "Retrocop" (Mobile Supply Unit)

3: Veo "Tsumi" (Fireproofing 1)
8: Cosenza "Changeling" (Mobile Supply Unit)

Tier 2

2: Fireproofing 1
3: Calabria (1 slot)
4: Fast-Fix Chassis 1
5: Cosenza (1 slot)
6: Extra Cargo Capacity 1
7: Veo (1 slot)
7: Fresno (1 slot)
8: Ramming Plate 1
8: Sentinel (1 slot)
8: Cisco (1 slot)
9: Montane (1 slot)
10: Steel Plating 1
10: Patriot vegas

Saul Linklater
2: Broadwing "Citadel" (Fireproofing 2, Chassis Strengthening 1)
4: T-25 "True Blue" (Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Ramming Plate 1)
4: Packer Vaquero
6: Vegas "Bluemax" (Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Ramming Plate 1)
7: Pioneer "Code-3" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)
9: Jericho "Crusader" (Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 1)

Lilith Bloodrose
2: Montane "Oni" (Armoured Engine 2, Explosives 1)
4: Sentinel "Occulta" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)
4: Charge Mikro
5: T-25 "Jumper" (Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Ramming Plate 1)
6: Mikro "Heretic" (Chassis Strengthening 2, Armoured Engine 1)
7: Espacio "Splinter" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)
9: Kurai "Mazuma" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 1)

Tier 3

2: Fireproofing 2
3: Calabria (2 slot)
4: Fast-Fix Chassis 2
5: Cosenza (2 slot)
6: Extra Cargo Capacity 2
7: Veo (2 slot)
7: Fresno (2 slot)
8: Ramming Plate 2
8: Sentinel (2 slot)
8: Cisco (2 slot)
9: Montane (2 slot)
10: Steel Plating 2
10: Vegas (1 slot)

Hea Choi
2: Montane "Tribus" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 2, Fireproofing 2)
3: Sentinel "Stomper" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Ceresco "Dominator" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Vaquero (1 slot)
5: Kurai "Vigilante" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
6: Moirai "Lawbringer" (Fireproofing 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Steel Plating 2)
7: Vaquero "Reaper" (Chassis Strengthening 3, Armoured Engine 2, Steel Plating 2)
8: Pioneer "Urban War" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
9: Cisco "Gladiator" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 2, Fireproofing 2)

Jeung Bloodrose
2: Mikro "Ronin" (Chassis Strengthening 3, Armoured Engine 2, Steel Plating 2)
3: Broadwing "Rosewing" (Fireproofing 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Ceresco "Darksider" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
4: Mikro (1 slot)
5: Kurai "Infernos" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
6: Espacio "Koga" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
7: Fresno "Fujin" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2)
7: Moirai "Nosferatu" (Fireproofing 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Steel Plating 2)
9: Bishada Rapier "Tormentor" (Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Chassis Strengthening 2)


Tier 4

2: Cisco (3 slot)
3: OCA-EW 626.4 "Iron Reaper" (Magazine Pull 3, Cooling Jacket 3, Reflex Sight 2)
3: Calabria (3 slot)
5: Fast-Fix Chassis 3
5: Cosenza (3 slot)
6: O-PGL 79R
8: Extra Cargo Capacity 3
8: NFAS-12d "Red Star V4" (Magazine Pull 3, 3-Point Sling 3, Cooling Jacket 2)
8: Veo (3 slot)
9: Fresno (3 slot)
10: Fireproofing 3
10: OBIR.4 "Desert Storm Mk-IV" (Extended Magazine 3, Improved Rifling 3, Hunting Sight 2)
10: Sentinel (3 slot)
12: DMR-SD IV "Assassin 5Zero R4" (3-Point Sling 3, Improved Rifling 3, Extended Magazine 2)
12: Montane (3 slot)
13: Ramming Plate 3
13: ALIG 762 "Commando 76Two R4" (Heavy Barrel 3, 3-Point Sling 3, Reflex Sight 2)
14: Joker SR15 Carbine (Reflex Sight 3, 3-Point Sling 3, Magazine Pull 2)
15: Steel Plating 3
15: STAR 556 IV "Scorpion" (Extended Magazine 3, Hunting Sight 3, 3-Point Sling 2)
15: Vegas (2 slot)

Justin Teng
4: Vegas "Predator" (Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Ramming Plate 3, Armoured Engine 2, Extra Cargo Capacity 2)
6: Vaquero (2 slot)
7: Fresno "Phoenix" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Nitro Booster 2)
9: Kurai "White Knight" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Nitro Booster 2)
11: Pioneer "Dominion" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Nitro Booster 2)
13: Jericho "Armed Response" (Steel Plating 3, Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Chassis Strengthening 2, Mobile Supply Unit)

Michael Simeone
4: Vegas "Kumiho" (Fast-Fix Chassis 3, Ramming Plate 3, Armoured Engine 2, Extra Cargo Capacity 2)
6: Mikro (2 slot)
7: Cisco "Nightshade" (Armoured Engine 3, Explosives 3, Fireproofing 2, Steel Plating 2)
9: Mikro "Borgata" (Chassis Strengthening 3, Armoured Engine 3, Steel Plating 2, Mobile Supply Unit)
11: Espacio "Slayer" (Mobile Supply Unit, Steel Plating 2, Fast-Fix Chassis 2, Nitro Booster 2)





Class: Upper Rail
Hunting Sight
Increases benefit of Marksmanship mode slightly/moderately/substantially
Increases zoom level by 5 degrees
Decreases base accuracy slightly/moderately/substantially

Reflex Sight
Increases base accuracy slightly/moderately/substantially
Decreases zoom level by 5 degrees
Decreases benefit of Marksmanship mode slightly/moderately/substantially

Class: Magazine
Magazine Pull
Decreases reload time by -20/-30/-40%
Decreases magazine capacity by -15/-20/-25%

Increases stored ammo by +20/+35/+35%
Increases resupply time by +50/+200/+100%

Extended Magazine
Increases Magazine size by +10/+20/+30%
Increases Reload time by +20/+40/+60%

Class: Receiver

3-Point Sling
Decreases Equip time by -13/-26/-39%

Class: Barrel

Cooling Jacket
Increases Fire Rate by +5/+7/+10%
Cooling Jacket 1: Decreases base accuracy slightly
Cooling Jacket 2 & 3: Decreases accuracy outside marksmanship mode moderately/substantially
Increases Shotgun Spread slightly/moderately/substantially

Improved Rifling
Increases effective range by +3/+5/+7m
Decreases minimum accuracy slightly/moderately/substantially

Heavy Barrel
Decreases accuracy loss by +10/+20/+30%
Decreases weapon damage by -5/-10/-15%


Class: Activated

Nitro Booster
Increases engine output torque by +100/+200/+400% while active.
Increases top speed by +1/+2/+3 m/s while active.
Reduces turning speed by -70/-80/-90% while active.
Nitro Booster 3 only: WARNING: May have undesired results on high torque engines.

Class: Generic

Fast-Fix Chassis
Reduces repair time by 10/20/30%

Increases blast radius by +15/+30/+45%

Class: Chassis

Steel Plating
Reduces damage from weapons by -10/-20/-30%
Reduces max speed by -10/-20/-30%

Ramming Plate
Increases ramming damage by +20/+35/+50%
Increases collision damage by +20/+35/+50%
Reduces brake efficiency by -20/-35/-50%

Chassis Strengthening
Reduces damage taken from vehicle collisions by -10/-20/-30%
Reduces damage done from vehicle collisions by -10/-20/-30%

Class: Trunk

Mobile Supply Unit
Deploys a Field Supplier
Reduces cargo capacity by 3

Extra Cargo Capacity
Increases cargo capacity by +1/+2/+4

Class: Engine

Armoured Engine
Increases delay before engine fire by +40/+60/+80%
Increases engine fire damage by +40/+60/+80%

Reduces engine fire damage by -20/-35/-50%


Class: Activated

Field Supplier
Deploys a Field Supplier

Class: Health

Clotting Agent
Reduces health regen delay by -25/-50/-100%
Increases health regen time by +25/+50/+133%

Kevlar Implants
Increases player health by +10/+20/+30%
Decreases acceleration slightly/moderately/substantially
Kevlar Implants 2 & 3 only: Decreases move speed by -2/-1 m/s

Class: Utility

Happy Landings
Reduces falling damage taken by -50/-70/-100%



Original APB:R release notes:

Closed Beta 1 - Public Release Notes
Reworked from the ground up, primary changes are as follows:
Organisation Levelling has been removed from game.
Leagues removed from the game until we can implement in a less exploitable way (League Display points are now either free or purchasable from the auction house).
Contacts split into Weapon and Vehicle contacts, rewards split accordingly.
Adjusted rating requirements for each contact level. This has decreased at low levels and increased at high levels.
Majority of Existing Roles moved to Achievements. All achievements moved to 1 level only and rewards removed.
Rebalanced Achievement requirements.
This includes Car Thief.
Added Roles for each piece of equipment and each weapon niche. Advancing these roles unlocks weapon upgrades and high level equipment/open slot weapons.
Levels in Roles and Achievements no longer count towards your rating. It is now purely based on contact progression.
Added Random Rewards (that are only gifted once), for unlocking each symbol, some pieces of jewellery, and emotes. Each contact unlocks different random rewards (around 50% chance at mission end, depending on mission performance).
Reworked item costs for all items. Preset cost lowered, Customisable Asset prices increased. Weapon prices increased, Upgrade prices increased.
Reduced Costs of Heat Buyoff to a trivial level.
Removed unused tutorial contacts (Simon Tran/Pagan Bloodrose) from progression trees.

Gameplay and Miscellaneous
Your group members now show on your radar.
Fixed the issue where players would accidentally get into the back seat of cars when their characters were next to the front doors (original calculation was based on reticule location). Now only the front doors are considered valid options if the car is empty (note: did anyone ever really want to hang out alone in the back-seat? if so – Closed Beta participants are welcome to weigh in).
The death camera now rotates towards your killer instead of looking at your ragdoll to provide better awareness of how you died.
Fixed the railing grid material used extensively in Waterfront originally not allowing bullets to pass through it. Now player can shoot through railings properly.
Added new roof access to the San Paro Port Authority building in Waterfront.
Added new splash screen images.
Added objects to block vehicles from using certain Waterfront areas to jump on rooftops and then exploiting other rooftops with no collision.
Fixed collision issues on trees that allowed players to sit ‘inside’ them.
Fixed the Ammo Vending Machine having a far too complex collision mesh.
Made certain in-game items tradable between players that were previously not tradable.
Progress indicators (X/Y) added to Roles and Achievement pages to provide clearer progress status.
Camera position moved out slightly to avoid player’s head overlapping crosshair when moving right (comments for new camera position sought from Closed Beta participants).
Damage taken from falling increased. It’s now possible to die from impact after falling great heights.
Slightly increased the distance players need to fall before playing the ‘heavy landing’ animation.
Negative medals (Teamkill, Killing arrested player, Suicide) are now marked as such and have had their negative effect on rewards heavily increased.
VoIP now defaults to ‘Push to Talk’ instead of microphone activated (now using “Z” button by default).
Player now stays in strafe mode for 5 seconds rather than 2 after firing/reloading.
Pickup task items now lie close to the ground instead of floating at waist height.
Updated Open World drop off location names; now named ‘Fence’, ‘Chop Shop’, ‘Impound’ and ‘Evidence Locker’.
Increased Loading Tip Time to 15 seconds from 5.
Loading tooltips added, describing premium and leased content.
Players can now jump and fall in marksmanship mode (jump accuracy modifier still takes effect)
Weapons now have a separate modifier for moving at walking speed (such as when crouching or in marksmanship mode).
Customisation pods removed from the factional areas in the Social District.
Disabled Witnessing temporarily until we can fix it (Ready system broke it pretty heavily).
Players who have been freed from arrest no longer give rewards for arresting or freeing until they die.
Default keybindings have been changed to more logical layout. See chart for details.

All Weapons rebalanced, changing accuracy, shot damage, firing rate etc.
Weapon Time to Kill lowered across the board (without adding extra 1 hit KO weapons)
Accuracy model adjusted to put more importance on burst firing with most weaponry. Weapons mostly start accurate then very quickly hit their minimum accuracy threshold. The rate at which accuracy is regained after stopping firing is also much increased.
Balancing with Effective Range reduced somewhat in favour of mainly using accuracy to determine effective range.
SHAW moved from an anti-vehicle weapon to anti-personnel suppression weapon.
STAR moved from slow firing long range rifle (analogous to OBEYA/OBIR) to a fast firing assault rifle (same niche as NTEC. Less accurate to begin with, but can handle being fired full auto at close/medium range without becoming unwieldy).
HVR can once again not switch to pistol until it has completed bolting the next round.
New weapons added to progression:
Colby PMG-28: Low Cyclic Rate SMG.
Joker SR-15 Carbine: Mobile close-medium range semi auto rifle.
ALIG-762: Low Cyclic Rate LMG, anti-vehicle weapon primarily.

Han Cellente (original starting vehicle) removed from game.
Added engine cut out at 20% vehicle health.
Improved Turning speed of all low end vehicles.
Macchina Calabria 127 added to the game as the new default vehicle. This is a small coupe with decent acceleration, stable and responsive handling, though a low top speed.
Balkan Kolva (Truck): Heavily Increased Weight of Vehicle. This improves its ramming power immensely, but heavily reduces its initial acceleration. Also heavily increased HP.
Bishada GX 8800 : Renamed to Bishada Rapier and reduced maximum health.
Patriot Jericho : Reduced maximum health, increased torque in gear 1 (improving starting acceleration)
Patriot Vegas: Slightly improved health, acceleration heavily increased and weight increased.
Dolton Montaine (Pickup): Improved health. Increased Top Speed to be on par with Patriot T-25 (King Cab). Increased trunk Capacity to be more than King Cab, Reduced Damping on suspension to make it a little more bouncy. Changed from Rear Wheel to Front Wheel Drive.
Increased Weight and Health of Dolton Fresno while keeping acceleration and speed the same. Also reduced suspension damping significantly.
Packer Ceresco (Standard Van) is now Front Wheel Drive and has the best Carrying Capacity in the game (25, compared to Armoured Van 20)
Charge Mikro: Health very slightly down so it’s just below average vehicle health, rather than just above. Grip heavily improved. Top speed reduced.
Packer Vaquero: Health very slightly down. Top speed reduced. Incredibly bouncy suspension.
Very minor tweaks to Sungnyemun Moirai (Exec Saloon). Upped Wheel turn distance and slightly reduced suspension stiffness.
Upped weight of Seiyo Espacio
Updated Nulander Pioneer. Now a bit slower, with a lower clearance, but a lot heavier (so it doesn't mount cars any more). Also enabled the Limited Slip Differential, making handling easier on rough terrain.
Enabled the Limited Slip Differential for both SUVs (Charge Sentinel and Nulander Kurai), making handling easier on rough terrain.
Updated Nulander Kurai. Pretty much untippable now. Much bouncier now as well. Ride height increased significantly but suspension stiffness decreased, so it'll rock and sway. Also, increased cargo capacity from 8 to 10.
Ambulance updated. Ambulance is now a fast but very light large vehicle. It leans around corners pretty spectacularly, but doesn't really fall over much.
Added rating requirement to previously existing pre-order vehicles. Now can be used at the same level as the normal Cisco/Morai.
Updated Nitro Effect. Now much higher effect but much shorter duration and cooldown.

Renamed majority of upgrades.
Renamed all Preset clothing items to better highlight which outfit they belong to.
Added ‘Creator Names’ for each Vehicle and Preset clothing piece.
Adjusted descriptions for all Upgrades and Weapons.
The majority of weapon presets have been renamed.

Grouped Upgrades: Only one upgrade of each group can be used at a time. This is a little excessive right off the bat (especially for Character upgrades), but will become a lot more important as we add extra modifications. Groups are…
Health (Character): Coagulant, Kevlar Implants
Utility (Character): Happy Landings
Activated (Character): Field Supplier
Generic (Vehicle): Explosives, Fast-Fix Chassis
Chassis (Vehicle) : Chassis Strengthening, Ramming Plate, Steel Plating
Engine (Vehicle): Armoured Engine, Fireproofing
Trunk (Vehicle): Extra Cargo Capacity
Activated (Vehicle): Nitro Booster
Magazine (Weapon): Bandolier, Extended Magazine, Magazine Pull
Barrel (Weapon): Heavy Barrel, Improved Rifling, Cooling Jacket
Upper Rail (Weapon): Reflex Sight, Hunting Sight
Receiver (Weapon): Three Point Sling.
Added tutorial mail explaining upgrades, how to equip, and what groups mean.
Removed Monolith upgrade (functionally it was identical to survivor).
Removed Energizer upgrade (LTLs are now weaker than their lethal counterparts).

Premium Accounts & Leased Items
Set Max Primitive Limits for Free Accounts on Symbol Editor, Garage and Clothing Editor. Initially free player limits set at 25, 5 and 5 respectively. Premium Accounts get 100 primitives per Symbol, 50 Symbols per Vehicle and 50 Symbols per piece of Clothing
Leased Weapons Added (will be random rewards initially, until the Armas Underground weapons dealer is implemented in the Social District to provide leased weapons):
N-HVR 243 Scout: A bolt action sniper rifle with a lower calibre round than the 762, but with the ability to sprint and hang out of vehicle windows with.
OCA-626 ‘Whisper’: A silenced SMG with a scope (we’re still waiting for the audio for this, so initially it might not be silenced). Silenced weapons no longer have tracers.
Colby CSG-20 Shotgun: A shotgun that fires a lot more pellets than the JG. It has the same damage output, but the shot dispersal is a lot more fine so you’re less likely to lose a ton of damage if a pellet misses.
Scoped N-TEC 5: An NTEC with a scope on it for a higher level of zoom. It’s also got slightly less recoil so it feels the same despite the lower FOV.
ACT44 GM: A gold plated ACT44 with an elongated barrel and a scope. Same damage potential as the normal pistol, but with an improved zoom and slightly better stability.
STAR 556 ‘LCR’: In APB Reloaded, the normal STAR 556 has a comparable fire rate to the NTEC. We’ve added the LCR for players who really liked the old one.
OSMAW / O-PGL: Just the base Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher. We’ve allowed players to purchase them as leased weapons if they can’t wait to get them

Client Size, Performance and Other
Integrated the game with GamersFirst accounts and backend systems.
Updated and activated PunkBuster.
Various small run-time memory usage savings totalling ~50MB.
Client size has been reduced from 8GB for the original game to 5GB for the Closed Beta RC1 (note: with future procedural texture inclusion and patch modifications, the target is to get the full client download to 3 GB without noticeable quality reductions).
Updated VoIP system to address various voice issues.
Improved the in-game compatibility checks at startup and install:
Updated the list of detected graphics cards from the latest compat file from Epic, as well as published lists of cards from amd.com and nvidia.com.
Updated the preferred compat level for each card to roughly match the expected performance.
Updated lots of cards that wouldn't be able to run the game but were originally given a supported compat level. Those cards probably crashed in the earlier release (without warning).
If a component doesn't meet the minimum requirements we now tell the user which component is the problem, instead of just displaying a generic error message.

Updated Control Scheme
Updates to the control scheme are below but all bindings can be customised by the player. A full listing of the default controls is later in this document.
Movement – “Crouch” is now bound to ‘Left Control’ as well as ‘C’.
Movement – “Walk” has been unbound from ‘X’. Players can manually rebind this if they wish.
Combat – “Activate/Deactivate Field Supplier” has been moved from ‘F1’ to ‘5’.
Combat – “Throw Grenade” has been moved from ‘Left Control’ to ‘G’, and is also bound to the Middle Mouse Button.
Combat – “Switch Weapons” has also been bound to ‘2’, so that players can use ‘1’, ‘2’, or the Mouse Wheel to switch weapons.
Actions – “Drop Item” has been moved from ‘Z’ to ‘X’.
Actions – The “Player Interaction Menu” has been moved from ‘V’ to ‘.’ (period).
Actions – “Ready for Mission” has been moved from ‘O’ to ‘K’, to avoid confusion with ‘0’ (zero).
Actions – “Voice – Push to Talk” has been moved from ‘7’ to ‘Z’ to make it reachable without having to move one of your hands.
Camera – “Look Behind” has been moved from ‘G’ to ‘Alt’.
Camera – “Switch Camera Side” has been moved from ‘4’ to ‘V’.
Music – “Previous Track” has been moved from ‘,’ (comma) to ‘[‘.
Music – “Next Track” has been moved from ‘.’ (period) To ‘]’.
Music – “Pause/Resume Playback” has also been bound to ‘\’, so that players can use that or ‘Right Control’.
Interface – “Clan Management” has been moved from ‘[‘ to ‘,’ (comma).
Interface – “View Support Pages” (Help) has been moved from ‘K’ to ‘F1’.
Interface – “View Leagues/High Score Tables” has been moved from ‘F4’ to ‘F6’.
Interface – “Chat Channel Commands” has been moved from ‘F6’ to ‘F9’.
Interface – “Chat Console Commands” has been moved from ‘F7’ to ‘F10’.
Interface – “Chat Emote Commands” has been moved from ‘F8’ to ‘F11’.
Interface – “Screenshot” has been moved from ‘Pause’ to ‘Print Screen’.
Interface – “Toggle HUD” display has been moved from ‘End’ to ‘F12’.

Release 66
1.4.3 (66) External Release Notes

Fixed the mission ‘Just Like Momma Used to Make’, where only one item would drop but two would be required.
Corrected Enforcer Bomb Defusal role (starting at 50 rather than 500).
Fixed minor typo with Display Points (was using 'Spray' rather than 'Activate', which is not valid in social).
Added a building site in the 'killbox' warehouse area behind Wilson Leboyce's spawn zone to add cover and interest to the area.
Fixed two district server crashes.
Improvements to the FPS display:
Moved the /fps and /fpsdetail displays down slightly so they don't render over the HUD.
Memory usage is now displayed in MB instead of bytes so it’s easier to read.
We now always render the memory usage in green on 64-bit systems.
Rewritten the LATENCY calculation code to use less bandwidth and give results closer to the real round-trip time of client-server network traffic.Vehicles
Fixed Macchina Calabria 127 criminal variant showing enforcer front police lights as an option in the Garage.

Small fix to rewards to unlock LTL weapons at Ty rather than Grissom. Also tweaked it slightly so the primary comes from Ty and the secondary comes from Chung Hee.
Fix for Colby PMG-28 open slot versions not having any open slots.
NTEC: Slightly lower damage, worse base accuracy, worse minimum accuracy, worse movement accuracy, Reduced effective range to 50m
STAR: Reduced effective range to 50m. Slightly worse minimum accuracy. Slightly better running accuracy (to make up for the min accuracy loss, roughly the same overall)
Obeya: Worse movement accuracy.
NFAS: Slightly improved damage per pellet.
ALIG 762: Worse Damage against players. Increased base accuracy, slightly increased rate of fire (overall a positive effect)
OBIR: Slightly increased damage. Significantly reduced accuracy loss per shot, Worse movement accuracy (overall a positive effect)
Joker SR-15: Significantly improved base accuracy.

Release 67 (Closed Beta 3) - Release Notes
Fixed server performance spikes in in death camera code (should remove most remaining server-lag spikes).
Removed client and server frame times from latency calculation to better estimate network latency and response (can be seen using /fps and /fpsdetail).
Added new HUD markers and text to distinguish between tainted and fresh targets (i.e. graffiti points that you need to guard vs. graffiti points that you have sprayed).
Altered HUD markers colours, and switched HUD markers to be more noticeable. Markers are now outlines when player has line of sight and solid when not.
Moved Checkpoints in Wilson LeBoyce spawn area to new Construction site out back.
Fixed Cement crucible having an incorrect texture in newly-added construction area behind Wilson Leboyce.
Fixed an incorrect reward package.
Cost of Muscle Car Increased.
Reduced Balkan Kolva Population in both districts down to 1% (Still need to remove a couple of spawners in future builds)
LTL Ammo cost reduced.
Explosive Ammo Cost Reduced.
Most weapons now come with more ammo on initial purchase.
STAR: Bringing the accuracy back up again, but not to the extent it was originally.
Colby PMG: Increased Base Accuracy, Fire rate slightly increased

Release 68
CB4 ( Release Notes

Upgrades: All upgrades except Field Supplier, Happy Landings, Mobile Field Supplier, Blast Radius and Nitro temporarily suspended (set to 0% effectiveness) until we release the next big update with the new upgrade adjustments.
Bug Fixed: 'SuperCop' and 'Busted' achievements now complete at correct times.
Bug Fixed: Audio display points show correct description text.
Bug Fixed: “Just like Momma used to make” mission.
Kill requirement removed from 'capture and hold multiple checkpoint' missions.
Kill requirement removed from 'capture and hold item' missions.
Improved network latency in Social Districts (nearly doubled the frame-rate)
Dolton Fresno: Slightly raised rear end.
NFAS: Damage Reduced again, slightly reduced spread, increased ammo available.
OBIR: Reduced Horizontal recoil.
JG: Improved.
SHAW: Reduced Damage significantly. Increased accuracy, reduced horizontal spread, increased vertical spread.
NTEC: Increased Recoil. Reduced Recoil recovery.
OCA: Reduced Accuracy increase when crouching.
OPGL : Reduced Kill Radius.
Joker SR15 Carbine: Improved Fire Rate.
HVR 'Scout': Improved Damage (now a 2 shot kill, 'just'), reduced fire rate to be a fraction slower than the HVR.

Release 72 (There aint any for 69, 70 and 71)
1.5.0 (72) External Release Notes
Locked and Preloaded!
Build – early Closed Beta edition of “Open Beta RC-1”

Open World Crimes and Witnessing
Witnessing has RETURNED and it's bigger and badder than ever! Criminals earn notoriety and stash by committing crimes all around San Paro. Any crime – ram raids, stealing cars or mugging citizens –will earn Criminals notoriety and add to their stash. Criminals will want to get their notoriety as high as possible before dropping their stash off at the Money Launderer who'll give them an APB$ bonus based on their notoriety.
Enforcers however, need to be on the lookout for Criminals committing crimes. When an Enforcer sees a Criminal commit a crime they can "Witness" them (by pressing ALT) and start a mini-mission. When killed during this mini-mission Criminals will drop their stash which Enforcers can then grab. Whoever has the stash needs to make a run for their drop zone to get the cash! Get rich quick, or die tryin'!
· Added new ‘Stash’ logic for criminals. All cash from open world crimes is now added to a stash of dirty money rather than directly to the player’s actual cash. Players are required to drop off the stash at a money launderer to receive the actual cash.
o Added new Work in Progress (WIP) Heads-up Display (HUD) icons to show stash amount and current notoriety multiplier – the higher your notoriety, the higher the reward.
o Dropping off the stash adds cash equal to the stash amount times your multiplier and then reduces your notoriety to zero.
o Money gained from dropping off the stash is split between group members.
o While playing in a group, all group members’ notoriety will return to zero when one member drops off a stash, so remember to return stashes as a group!
· Added new ‘Witnessing’ Mechanic for Enforcers. Enforcers can witness crimes performed by criminals with a stash over $100. Witnessing this crime starts a 5 minute witness mission between the two player groups where they fight it out over the stash. First to drop-off the stash gets to keep it.
o Added new HUD element for Enforcers on targeting a criminal to show stash amount if witnessing the criminal will result in an immediate match.
o No HUD element means that you can’t be matched against that criminal due to other restrictions.
· Increased rewards for completing a mugging and added a reward for ramraid.
· Adjusted amount of items pedestrians will drop when mugged.
o Poor: 0 items.
o Middle Class: 2-3 items.
o Affluent: 4-6 items.
· Altered vehicle drop off rewards based on vehicle cost.
· Altered item drop off rewards.

Never fear spawning hundreds of meters away from your team again. We've made significant improvements to the spawning system so that you are more likely to spawn near your teammates. Also, you are more likely to spawn close to your target and with your other fallen teammates. Gone are the days of spawning right on top of an enemy!

· New Spawning system implemented. This takes into account locations of teammates, enemies, objectives and dead players (both teammates and player) to determine the best location to spawn nearby.
o Increased spawn time to offset this. Takes slightly longer now, but you spend far less time running back to the action.
· Tripled number of potential spawn points in both districts to aid in better spawning.

Weapon and Vehicle Leasing
After serious consideration and review of closed beta participant behavior, we have added additional APB$ money sinks to the game and simultaneously reduced the initial in-game money cost for several items. All weapons and preset vehicles will now be leased for 10 days at a time before the items are repossessed by the thuggish people working the Repossession Squad. After the 10 days weapon or preset vehicle are unequipped and any modifiers that were in the item will be returned to you and can be reused later.
These changes let players try different weapons and preset vehicles without having to first earn millions of APB$. Players can try a weapon or preset vehicle for a short period of time for relatively little APB$ instead of only expensive permanent choices. This change will control in-game inflation and controlling inflation will make it easier and more fun for new players to come into game and participate in the in-game economy elements like the Auction House, and also allows us to create a new set of base prices for future weapons
· Weapons and Preset Vehicles are now Leased with in-game cash (this change does not affect Equipment, Modifications and Customizable items).
o Leased items are not tradable.
o Upgrades are automatically removed and returned to player when a weapon expires so they can be applied to another weapon.
· Adjustments to most costs for weapons and vehicles.
· Removed pickup time for items.

· ‘Upgrades’ renamed to ‘Modifiers’.
· Mods have been coloured to denote grouping. Characters can only have one mod of each colour type equipped at any time to prevent stacking.
· Most upgrades now have detrimental effects as well as benefits.
· Rebalanced all existing modifiers.
· Reworded ‘Activate Nitro’ and ‘Activate Field Supplier’ keybinds.

· Fixed the ‘look behind’ key exploit for burst fire weapons.
· ‘Witness’ now set to Alt key.
o This leaves Look Behind unbound by default (note: this isn't the fix to the fire bug tongue.gif)
· Reduced impulse applied to ragdolls from being shot.
· Very slightly reduced crouch speed to make it fit the animation better.
· Slightly reduced the extra time players stay arrested.
· Added neutral vehicle collision immunity.
o If a player is rammed by someone not on their mission, no collision damage will be applied in most cases.
· The camera now bobs when the player is moving, adding a bit more dynamism to the game.

· Fixed the “Supercop” enforcer achievement unlocking after an arrest streak of 1, now unlocks after an arrest streak of 5.
· Adjusted the number of levels per contact.
o Tutorial contacts have 5 levels, Boss contacts 15 levels, and all other contacts have 10 levels.
o The Standing required per contact has not been increased; players now just hit milestones more often.
· Rewards spread out more throughout contact tree.
· High-End vehicles now unlock earlier.
· Enabled ‘Simon Tran’ and ‘Pagan Bloodrose’ again. These contacts don’t have any progression or missions, but we’ll be adding experimental new mission types to them in future.
· Added cash reward for levelling contacts.
· Items unlocked by contacts are now shown on the contact pledge screen, in order of level unlocked.
· Locked items are now shown under the buy menu of all contacts, rather than just the contact that unlocks it.
· Players are now able to pledge to and progress any unlocked contact individually, regardless of the group leader’s pledge.

Weapons Balancing
· Re-enabled UI stats for weapon properties (they were previously disabled for balance testing).
· Colby CSG-20: Now is more accurate with a tighter spread than the JG (though less damaging)
· ACT44: Damage lowered
· Colby RSA: Increased recoil, slightly lowered firing rate and slowed the accuracy gain slightly.
· OBEYA CR762: Damage lowered, now loses accuracy if fired at full cyclic rate.
· DMR-SD: Recoil Lowered, Movement accuracy in MMS increased. Fire rate slightly increased.
· OPGL: Fire rate substantially decreased, slightly increased fuse timer. Slightly reduced kill radius.
· SHAW: Increased Damage, increased minimum accuracy, increased horizontal recoil.
· N-FA9 : Increased Damage, slightly increased accuracy
· SAS-PDW: Significantly increased accuracy.
· OCA-626: Increased recoil.
· PMG-28: Increased recoil.

· Re-enabled vehicle stats in the UI.
· Task items in vehicles now slow down the vehicle.
o Slowdown is based on task item type and number of items.
· VIPs now slow down vehicles.
· Vehicle spawn cost now varies based on vehicle (starter vehicle is free).

Character Slots
· Players are now able to create one character initially for free in a free account. As an extra bonus, during Beta phase, everyone will be able to create a SECOND free character for as long as the game is in Beta.
· More character slots can be purchased from the Armas Marketplace, and a player could in theory have a very large number of characters in each account spread across the different servers. The benefit to the player is that if the player buys a "Premium" to upgrade the account, it applies to ALL characters in that account as long as the Premium is active, regardless of how many characters the account contains.

· Complete overhaul of all post-process and lighting values.
o Modified values to iris response.
o Balanced every district material containing emissive values, to help mitigate some of the over-blooming that was happening.
§ Vehicle emissive maps toned down in order to prevent detail corruption.
§ Signage balanced so that it is much more legible.
§ Skysc****r windows balanced so the colour variation comes though.
o Depth of field greatly modified in order to:
§ Set back the plainer, LOD2 geometry.
§ Help soften the harsh edge of buildings in general.
§ Give a better sense of depth to the environment.
o Improved day/night cycle, including a 1 in 5 chance of heavy fog cycle:
§ 16:00 culminates in heavy sea fog and overcast sky.
§ 03:00 – 05:00 has heavy night fog with darker shadows and brighter pools of light, to give the occasional horror/film noir vibe.
o Re-lit many areas where bounce lights were set too brightly.

· Ever get bored of grey? We were bored to tears by it. Some of the worst offending spawn zones have had an initial material pass to add a bit of colour and variety to San Paro.

· Many spawn zones adjusted in order to ‘plant’ the relevant contact characters more effectively.
o Lilith and Jeung can now be found hanging out together at the Beltane with Bloodrose-themed feature graffiti.
o Tyron Sennet shifts his focus to matters of planning… A better context and a better view of his jacket customisation.
o Bonita Benjamin no longer stands in a dark corner, but is brought out to her own table outside the Golden Mall.
o Shift given more boyish pose, and now leans next to some of her own graffiti.
o Double B given a more prominent position in the subway.
o Mirri Kent now has something to look at.
o Stu Phoenix spawn zone given some Prentiss theming.

· Some of the contacts given a visual update to bring them in line with some of our more recent/incoming character assets. Notable changes:
o Miguel Esteban – Urban gumshoe and brawler.
o Shift – Riot version as seen in intro cinematic.
o Violet Prentiss – Gets a hot cowgirl style to compliment the accent.
o Kaspar Danko – Grizzled army vet and overall badass.

· South West side of the Waterfront District now has ‘Ophelia Customs’ blimp to aid navigation around that area of the city.

· Lots of bug fixes applied to props and features. Some examples:
o ‘FU’ two-pane shop window corruption fixed.
o Glass modified so that restaurant interiors are now fully visible.
o Some of the shop windows given a facelift.
o Organic food no longer available at petrol stations.

· Social District given a bit of a visual revamp:
o Vehicle display zones improved.
o New banners and blimp.
§ Introduction of incoming contact, Ophelia.
o Shop interiors made more colourful and varied.

· Added ramps to north end of Financial District freeway to tie up routes more effectively.
· Fixed several locations where players could exit the world or get within geometry.
· Added some cover to a roof in waterfront that leads to a nasty camping location. Still work to do here but this should help in the meantime.
· Added a large number of new vehicle spawn machines to both maps.
o Additionally, all vehicle spawn machines that aren’t in factional spawn areas are no longer faction-locked.
· Fixed a non-functioning graffiti target in Waterfront.
· Removed a possible Truck mission target that was in an area that a truck cannot get out of.

· Reduced number of missions from 5 to 3.
· Updated initial tutorial mail.
· Added ‘Ready’ mechanic to tutorial, with an explanation of how it works.
· Removed majority of on-screen popup tutorials.
· Removed ‘Welcome to San Paro’ achievement.
· Added following tutorial mails sent to players:
o Explanation of how contact progression works.
o How to equip and use modifications.
o Importance of Teamplay and group composition.
o Open World Crimes and Arresting…

· Players can no longer send each other APB$ in the mail.
· Removed the world recommendation when creating new characters. Server names will include their location so players can choose the one they want.
· Minimum client screen resolution is now 1024x768, in order to increase the size of some UI screens which were getting cluttered.
· Cyrillic and accented characters are now disallowed for character names. Some players were unable to interact with each other due to localised keyboards and OS settings. Russian players will be moved to Russian servers once those go live.
· Updated the in-game browser version to Gecko / Firefox 3.6.13.
· Fixed the in-game video recorder saving video at the wrong aspect ratio on ATI machines.
· Updated the in-game video capture code to use the latest LibTheora, LibVorbis and LlibOgg libraries.
o The new version of the encoder should improve performance and video quality, and includes SSE2 optimisations.
· Cleaned up the character select UI
o Increased the font size of the email address.
o The account type is now displayed on the same line as the account type header.
o Decreased the size of the header panel and slightly increased the separation between the header and character list.
· Hooked up contact levelling emails.
· Lengthened contact and organisation biographies significantly.
· Added 88 Biography emails as random rewards detailing companies, manufacturers, celebrities and the city itself.

· New Developer splash screen intros added.
· Updated and reintegrated the intro cinematic.
· Fixed audio display points in the Social District having the wrong ‘Obtained By’ text.
· Hooked up URLs across the game to bring up the relevant pages using the in-game browser.
· Adjusted customisation limits for free players.
o Clothing/Tattoos are now 3 symbols per item.
o Vehicles are 7 symbols.

Client Size, Performance and Stability
· Fixed top stability issues:
o Client crash due to rendering issue (seemed to happen to players on death mostly).
o Client crash caused by changing the colour of unselected duplicated layers in the symbol designer.
o Client crash that happened sometimes when you accessed your inventory.
· Added DXT texture compression, which reduces in-game memory usage and significantly improves the texture/graphical quality for players on a 32-bit OS.
· Updated WWise libraries, increasing game performance (more so on lower-end machines)
· Recompressed the game audio with no noticeable drop in quality. This substantially reduces the total client size on disk (now ~4GB).

Known Issues
· Starter Vehicles
· There is a known issue with some shaders for the starter vehicles, in particular for the Crim starter vehicles which will make the tires and sometimes the whole car look insane. Will be addressed in an early patch.
· Localisation/Translation
o Much of the new and edited in game text has still to be translated and entered into the game. Playing APB in languages other than English may result in English text being shown anyway in some places.

Release 73

Fixed a client crash that occurred frequently in Financial, by the freeway near Veronika Lee.
Fixed corrupt vehicle wheels on deployed vehicles.
Fixed issue where players were not given rewards from completing witnessing missions
Fixed an issue where enforcers could receive tutorial part 2 twice.
Removed vehicle speed penalty for carrying open world loot stashes.
Arresting a Notoriety 5 Criminal now makes you Prestige 5.
Slightly reduced the impact of VIPs on vehicle speed.
Stabba CCG - Improved Accuracy, increased recoil.
Added small contact standing rewards for open world activities.
Reduced prices on most body customizations.

Release 74
No specific patchnotes for this. All they said is that they fixed a District crash bug.

Release 75
Launch of 1.5.0 (75)

• Fixed a server crash.
• Fixed player losing Premium status under some conditions.
• Stopped witness missions counting towards a players Threat Level and Win Streaks.
• Fix for Armas Sniper Preset 2. Added second mod (Bandolier) and now using correct model.

• Heavily increased the Objective spawn weighting (above 2 now). This means the objective will count for 2+ enemy players in the mind of the spawning system.

Known Issues
• Localisation/Translation
o Much of the new and edited in game text has still to be translated and entered into the game. Playing APB in languages other than English may result in English text being shown anyway in some places.
• Spawning
o Spawning currently has a couple of bugs that we’re working on and hope to get out as soon as possible.
• Punkbuster
o Performance issue, slated to be fixed in next patch.

Release 76
No specific patchnotes for this. All they said is that they fixed Punkbuster issues.

Release 77 and 78 (released at the same time)
Fixed a high-frequency client crash.
Fixed LC vehicles retaining the speed restrictions of task items they were carrying when they
Fixed the field supplier cooldown rates being swapped for premium and F2P players.
Fixed a character migration bug, enabling migration of old RTW characters.
Enabled new PunkBuster build, to reduce incidences of PB stuttering
Changed the factional restrictions in the Social District. Everyone can now enter the ground floor of both clubs, but the upper-levels will be off-limits to the opposite faction.
Adjusted several locations in Financial and Waterfront to improve balance.
Updated the ‘Whisper’ with temporary VFX and SFX.
Improvements to HVR Scout (Premium Leased Weapon) - Improved Accuracy regeneration rate significantly. Increased fire rate to make it equal to the HVR-762. Initially we had it lower as to provide a downside to offset the increased mobility. After testing it definitely feels that the inability to 'almost' 1 hit is enough. This really helps it feel much more mobile than previously. It also now retains its accuracy on the move.
Slightly lowered damage of the NFA-9
Reduced Reload time on the NFAS.
Made a few fixes to the spawning system. Now always uses targets from the current mission stage, and uses probable spawn locations for players to weigh spawning for dying players. Still a few fixes left here, but spawning is getting closer to being finalized.
Known Issues
Localisation/Translation; Much of the new and edited in game text has still to be translated and entered into the game. Playing APB in languages other than English may result in English text being shown anyway in some places.

Release 79 Release Notes (released May 5, 2011)
• Moved broadcast messages to upper centre of screen rather than centre to avoid blocking line of sight.
• Fixed the one-slot van not having it's one slot
• Killing a prestige 5 enforcer as an enforcer drops you to prestige zero.
• Fixed a bug in the spawning algorithm.

Songs and Themes
• Corrected inconsistencies and bugs across several musical instruments (note sequences off, patterns of sounds out of order) making them easier to use correctly.
• Unfortunately this requires a wipe of all character-created songs and themes, since existing songs break using the corrected instruments.

Known Issues
• Localisation/Translation
o Much of the new and edited in game text has still to be translated and entered into the game. Playing APB in languages other than English may result in English text being shown anyway in some places.

Release 80 Release Notes (scheduled May 10, 2011)
• Made an initial fix for black and dark clothing showing random colour patches on it due to DXT compression. We’ve still got a few fixes to make here but this will remove the blotches of green/purple.
• Fixed characters sometimes not being lit in the Wardrobe and appearing as a black silhouette.
• More spawning bug fixes.
• Renamed female Cowboy hat to Cowgirl hat.
• Made clothing items that are not available through progression non-tradable.
• Fixed an exploit: Tutorial missions are now only offered to solo players.
• Increased Prestige multipliers for Enforcers (as even with witnessing they're getting a much lower cash turnaround than criminals).
• Increased the VIP lives on VIP missions by a factor of 1.5.

• Named the weapon presets for the ALIG 762 and the Colby PMG 28.
• Adjusted Effective ranges for several weapons (Joker down slightly, Obeya up slightly, Star LCR up).
• Adjusted damage falloff percentage for the N-HVR's, the DMR and the STAR 'LCR'.
• Improved accuracy on Obeya CR762.
• Reduced Recoil and FoV on the Scoped NTEC-5. Also increased accuracy loss when moving in marksmanship.
• Increasing damage of Armas shotgun. Now slightly less damaging than the JG rather than only half damage as previously.
o Tradeoffs:
? JG - Extreme damage, medium spread (good at close range, bad at medium range)

? CSG-20 - High damage, low spread (worse at close range, decent at medium range)

Known Issues
• Localisation/Translation
o Much of the new and edited in game text has still to be translated and entered into the game. Playing APB in languages other than English may result in English text being shown anyway in some places.

Release 82 (81 has no patchnotes)
Game Update 1.5.1 (82)

[b]Here are the patch notes to the latest version 1.5.1 (82) update hot off the press.

Matchmaking Update Part 1

APB Reloaded now uses a Bayesian enhanced version of the Glicko rating system to determine the relative skill of players, based on the outcomes of opposed missions. The believed skill of the player is known as that player’s Skill Rating, which is then translated into the player’s Threat Level (shown on the UI), and also used by the matchmaking system to construct matches where the skill of each side is as evenly matched as possible.
The total number of Threat Levels per faction has been increased to 30 and spread across 3 tiers – Bronze, Silver and Gold – with each tier consisting of 10 ranks. For example, a ‘Silver Rank 5’ player is believed to be better than a ‘Bronze Rank 10’ player.

All players will start from Bronze Rank 1, as the new system has to start from scratch in order correctly calculate the Threat level.
Note that we expect players to see large fluctuations to their Threat early on, as the system narrows in on your actual Threat level over time. So don’t be surprised to jump between tiers as well as ranks for the first few matches.

Witnessing and Open World

Fixed an issue when players went out of bounds on a witness mission. The mission now ends immediately and the stash is lost.
Fixed Enforcers on opposed missions sometimes seeing the ‘witness’ icon on criminals.
Fixed Enforcers in vehicles not seeing the stash value on criminals.
Fixed the heat multiplier not updating while in a vehicle.
Fixed an exploit where players were abusing the ‘AFK’ state.


Updated DXT settings to match the following rules:
64-bit OS users will no longer have any character or vehicle textures compressed at any time.
32-bit OS users will not have their OWN character and vehicle textures compressed at any time, but all opponents’ character and vehicle textures will be compressed at all times due to 32-bit memory restrictions.
These are not to be confused normal ‘Level of Detail’ (LOD) shifts as well as standard texture streaming that occurs when customisations are being built – these have not changed.
Fixed a separate issue that could cause your own character symbols to have lower detail based on distance and relative screen space (affected small characters more).
Added 1280x720 as an officially supported resolution. Also resized the in-game browser to 1024x720 for all resolutions.
Updated inventory and kill icons to match the weapon’s silhouette where this wasn’t the case.
Updated Contact icons to match some updates to the Contact models.
Fixed several issues where the expiry time tooltip could display wrong values about the time remaining on leased items. Note this was an interface issue and did not affect the actual expiration of any leased items.
The ‘auto-AFK’ timer now kicks in at 2 minutes, instead of 5.
Fixed a parking symbol that was floating above the ground (diagonally opposite LeBoyce spawn point).
Fixed an out of bounds error near the Church in Financial that some used as an exploit.
Added Pallet stack to roof under Freeway in Financial to simplify an irksome route onto the freeway and to make it possible at all for those with Kevlar implants.
Added new double ramp so that the troublesome one-way jump near the ruined warehouse is now possible in both directions, no matter what the vehicle.
Added new “use at own risk” ramp behind ‘Planetaget’ building on the turnpike. Best jumped in a Cisco. Best avoided in a starter car.
Fixed wall decal bug where decal was bleeding across floor outside Stu Phoenix’s spawn zone.

Modifiers and Weapons

Modifier Changes:
Hunting Sight and Reflex Sight: Now Increase or Decrease Movement Accuracy and Marksmanship accuracy.
Slightly lowered fire rate increase on Cooling Jacket.
Decreased effective range on both SMGs and reduced their minimum damage at 100m to 0 (so the ramp off is more drastic). Also lowered their marksmanship modifiers slightly.
Upping ammo counts of Obeya CR762 and OBIR to match other weapons (5 clips rather than 4/3).
Replaced the base STAR with a new model to differentiate it from the leased STAR ‘LCR’.
Slightly increased maximum reticule bloom when firing STAR full auto.


Adjusting handling for Dolton Broadwing and Sungnyumun Morai.
The Broadwing has slightly improved handling, better acceleration, more health and weight and heavily increased ramming damage. It's a good car for intercepting and taking others off the road.
The Morai has been tweaked considerably. It’s now much quicker to respond, with a fairly loose rear end allowing for some advanced manoeuvres. Acceleration is up heavily, top speed is up slightly. Health and weight are reduced very slightly (though weight is not really noticeable since you have a